On Borrowed Time

Time sure does fly, doesn’t it!? To think that February of 2019 was just about 5 years ago from now. No one, and I repeat, no one could have imagined that we would be here as we are. I mean, I’m sure we could have had some guesses that would have been close, but I doubt that we could have had anyone envision things as they are right now today. Obviously we will have a few delulus who will try convince us that they would and could have, all after the fact though. Don’t even bother trying to get them to tell you what 2029 will be like.

Saying all of that to say that we obviously don’t know much for certain when it comes to time and what happens and will happen as we continue to Life. There is a lot we can expect to happen, but even when that ‘lot’ does happen it rarely ever happens the way we expected. Life is a chess game and we are outclassed for most of it, until the bitter-sweet end. The best we can hope for is to prolong the game for as long as possible, which is never forever though. The mate comes due, sooner for some and later for others.

I have endeavored to be cognisant of how much of a privilege it is to be able to wake up each morning, no matter how benign one may think their individual existence to be. The truth is also that we can at times begin to take it for granted just as most of us did(do) in our earlier years of life. Back when we felt even more invincible whilst being totally clues to the reality of the flimsiness of life.

How at any moment, that light can be snuffed out by something as random and as simple as slipping and falling. We then go on to develop this entitlement and forgetfulness about the reality that we may lose this light just as quick as we gained it. We treat moments as things we can throw away. As though we have unlimited refills of them. As though they grow on trees. Well, that is until the harsh realities of life start knocking.

For some this may start at a young age but for most this does not seem to be the case. For most, the wake up call is often something akin to a train derailing. The head goes first, and all other carriages follow and proceed to pill up in a such a manner that it gets hard to know where to start after all is said and done.

Once we are there, the curse and blessing of knowledge takes full effect, we can’t un-know the true fragility of life once we have come to the true realisation of it. Time (Life) is neither friend nor foe. It is what we are each allocated at birth – we don’t get to decide the rate at which it passes, we get to decide what we make of each allocation.

And as Black-Widow would say to the Hulk, “hey big guy, sun’s getting real low…”

I know this to be the case for me. Well, I’m no mean-green-machine, and ‘know’ is also maybe a bit of a stretch. But, it’s no bigger stretch than the time that is left. Truth for me is, it doesn’t matter how much time one may get, I doubt it could ever feel like it’s more than enough. We are after all, truly pretty greedy at heart. So what is best to do is to be thankful for the little, which may then give a mighty meaning to even the mini-est of living.

So on this borrowed time, please take each “Hello” also as a yet to be heard “Goodbye

Author: Loyiso Gqola

"Writing is what I do, as for how it's defined by you, well that's for you. Simple lesson that took too long to learn. I write that's what I do! See this is not about what Steve said, but what I say in my own way. Be it for you, the public or for my private consumption. I write that's what I do! I can string words that are a bunch of nonsense written from a drug-less high and found in the depth of my conscious, like sleeping on a banana peel only so that my nightmares can slip right past me. Words so idiotic that they ought to be ghastly. Ending up having conversations with my favourite dessert and telling it "how you disgust me". I write, that's what I do!" - That sums me up for now. :)

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